Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This Is Her Blog

Dakota Buck, known to her friends at 'Kota or Koala, is an online alias in Second Life. This is her blog.

The norm in first blog entries is to give some general introduction, intrests, occupations maybe; who am I to buck the trend? I'm a dancer for the adult entertainment company - Club Coitus at Saint Barts. I also dabble in photography, snapping shots of myself and my colleegs and I've done a little bit of modelling - for furniture made by friends. When it all comes down to it, my love is fashion. It makes me sad how so many of the women I meet dress so generically - and so skankily - when there is such a fantastic range of well-designed and stylish apparel available. Many of my colleegs dress as if they were onstage 24/7 and that just isn't me.

I got new underwear today, from Digital Knickers. I love panties and I'm very in love with my new set. They look great with the Oi! boots from Beckenbauer Productions, in my opinion at least. I did get some funny looks when I tramped onstage in the clunky boots instead of the standard stripper stilleto but in this industry no ones looking at your feet for long. (Almost no one but more about him another time.)

<3 'Kota

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