New unisex knee-length shorts at Savvy?. These pants come in four colours (Earth, Slate, Blush and Nautical) and are named for Lucas Lameth with an extra side helping of love and dedication to Saeya Nyanda.
Only available at The Promenade.
Modeled by Lucas and the Savvy? girls. (Left to right: Haver Cole, Lucas Lameth, Twiggy Whippet and Stephanie Misfit).
If you've been to my mainstore on the Promenade lately you might have noticed my new store art. I think all stores need some kind of art or posters in them so I threw together a triptych of the three models that I'll be using as the "face of Savvy?". I didn't have a model search to select these women, they're just three of the avatars that I find most beautiful. Twiggy Whippet, Haver Cole and Stephanie Misfit can be seen on my flickr stream or in my mainstore on the Promenade.
WOOT! Adorable!
/me is going to Promenada! :)
Well Kota, you rock even more now I have seen the stuff you make.
Great to have met you.
*Side note: Please do see this little drool covered message for what it is (my best attempt at sucking up to you so I would get free gear) Kidding, kidding...
Off to that dreaded wedding now.
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