You must commit to breakfast, and you must fuel your body with the right foods to ignite its fat-burning potential for the rest of the day. By: Allison P Mar 2, 2009. I recognize that this trip was not just fun; it was a learning experience.
Writer/Designer/Cellist with varying levels of mediocrity and passion.
I'm an atheist and a humanist. Charmingly neurotic and cognitive almost to a fault.
I enjoy answering rhetorical questions.
Happy International Women's Day! :)
Psst. I have a blog now too:
Y'all best be addin' me to your list, that's all I'm sayin'.
You must commit to breakfast, and you must fuel your body with the right foods to ignite its fat-burning potential for the rest of the day. By: Allison P Mar 2, 2009. I recognize that this trip was not just fun; it was a learning experience.
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